Our Vision

Imagine 20,000 new churches. Now imagine if each one reached 100 new people with the Gospel over their lifetimes. That would amount to 2,000,000 people giving their lives to Jesus!

We know that the most effective way in reaching the lost is church planting. There’s not a close second. That’s why our churches focus on being part of a movement, not islands to themselves. In order to do this, we have to leave behind some old thinking and invest heavily in multiplication.

Many churches focus on addition (adding more to their Sunday attendance). While we care about our Sunday services, we know the real fruit of a church is another church! That’s the power of a multiplying paradigm. 20,000 churches sounds like a stretch, even impossible. But if every church planted could plant another one every three years, we would see 20,000 churches established in only 40 years.

Together, along with our sister churches, we can leave something behind by ensuring the good news of Jesus goes on well beyond our time.
Here’s some ways you can help!